Here is where you can view my work if you're in or near Wisconsin.
Mud Creek Coffee Cafe in Stockbridge, Wisconsin (Framed work and art note cards) Mud Creek Coffee Cafe
Artistree Gallery in Land O'Lakes, Wisconsin (Framed work, matted prints and art note cards) Artistree Gallery
Trellis Gift Shop at the Green Bay Botanical Gardens in Green Bay, Wisconsin (art note cards) Trellis Gift Shop
2016 Show Schedule
June 25 & 26 - Park Point Art Fair in Duluth, Minnesota Park Point Art Fair
August 13 - The Art Gypsies' Garden Party at the Boulder Junction Library Reading Garden (10am-4pm) The Art Gypsies' Garden Party
October 7 & 8 - Art Detour Studio Open House - Guest artist at Pigeon Road Pottery in Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin Pigeon Road Pottery
© Nancy Pierce